- Adat Ari El Day School, Los Angeles
- Avodah: Jewish Service Corps, New York
- BBYO, Long Beach
- Bend the Arc, Washington DC
- Hebrew Union College-JIR, Los Angeles
- Heschel Day School, Northridge
- Jewish Educator's Assembly, Los Angeles
- Jewish Federations in Miami and Houston
- Jewish Theological Seminary, New York
- Los Angeles Youth Theater Ensemble, Los Angeles
- Los Encinos Elementary School, Los Angeles
- Network for Research in Jewish Education, New York
- NewCAJE Conference, Chicago
- Pico Union Project, Los Angeles
- Ramah Camping Movement, California and Colorado
- The Skirball Center, New York
- Tzedek America, Los Angeles
- UCLA Hillel
- United Synagogue for Conservative Judaism, Chicago and Baltimore
- Valley Outreach Synagogue, Calabasas
"I loved this course and just wish it could have been longer." - Student @ The Skirball Center, New York